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Author Profile (Angewandte Chemie)


Education and Professional Experience

1983              Studies in Chemistry, Goethe University, Frankfurt

1985              Ph.D., Goethe Universität Frankfurt (with G. Quinkert)

1986 - 1988   Postdoc, Princeton University (with M. F. Semmelhack)

1988 - 1993   Junior Research Group Leader, Goethe-University Frankfurt

1994 - 1999   Professor (C3) of Organic Chemistry, TU-Berlin

1999 - today  Full Professor (C4) of Organic Chemistry, University of Cologne


Major additional services

2004 - 2005    Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, University of Cologne

2005 - 2007    Vice-Dean oft the Science Faculty, University of Cologne

2007 – 2011    Dean of the Science Faculty, University of Cologne

2013 - 2017     Director of the Chemistry Department, University of Cologne

2012 - today    Member of the Chemistry Board of the German Science Foundation

2016 - today    Board Member of GDCh (German Chemical Society)

2016 - today    Chairman of the Chemical Education Section of GDCh


Selected Other Activities

1998 - 1999    Chairman of the Berlin Section of the GDCh

2003 - 2012    Member of the Forster Committee of the A. v. Humboldt Foundation

2005 - 2007    President of ECTNA (Europ. Chem. Thematic Network Association)

2006                Chairman of the 15th ORCHEM Conference, Bad Nauheim

2012 - today   Local Coordinator of SusChemSys (a regional research network)

2017                Chairman of the ESOC Conference in Cologne



1986 - 1989   Liebig Postdoctoral Fellowship (Fonds der Chemischen Industrie)

1998              Teaching Champion, TU-Berlin

2001              Visiting Professor, University of Firenze, Italy,

2006 + 2016  Albertus-Magnus Teaching Award, University of Cologne


Main Research Areas

• Stereoselective Synthesis of Natural Products and Bioactive Analogs

• Enantioselective Transition Metal Catalysis and Ligand Development

• Chiral Transition Metal π-Complexes

• Bio-Organometallic Chemistry (incl. CO-Releasing Molecules)

• Small Molecule Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interactions